Introspective Therapy is a deeper kind of hypnotherapy which allows your mind to locate issues, bring them to the front, understand them and release them, freeing you from their negative effects.
In Suggestion Therapy a client enters hypnosis and positive suggestions are given by the therapist to the client, these suggestions are tailor made for the individual which adds to its effectiveness.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a form of talking therapy. A number of different methods may be used but essentially it involves the development of coping strategies or logical solutions to problems.
This aspect of Hypnotherapy is where I specialise.
It has been developed by Chris Altree over a period of 30 years in practice as a Hypnotherapist. In his experience he has found that certain methods work particularly well in certain situations.
The results he achieved were significant and so in the early 1990s he began collecting information and evidence to build a method of Hypnotherapy to better serve his clients. The result of which is a system based on thousands of hours of work and the associated findings, which has become 'Introspective Therapy'.
Introspective Therapy is a client led therapy where the unconscious (or Sub-conscious) part of your mind can identify and neutralise underlying negative influences from the past. Most negative influences may be obvious to you, others may not, but your sub-conscious mind knows what's there and during hypnosis it can begin the 'clean up'.
Time doesn't heal - it hides.
Introspective therapy is a deeper kind of hypnotherapy and allows your mind to locate those issues, bring them to the front, understand them and release them, freeing you from their negative effects.
This kind of Hypnotherapy may require more sessions than other kinds of therapy, however, the thoroughness of its effects are proportional to the the extra time it takes.
Suggestion Therapy is probably the most well known form of hypnotherapy. Although other methods and techniques are being developed all the time, Suggestion Therapy is still the most effective and highly successful method in a number of specific areas, primarily phobias.
Whatever the phobia might be - flying, spiders, heights, travelling on busses etc, I am yet to be presented with a phobia that suggestion therapy has not had a dramatic and positive effect upon.
In Suggestion Therapy a client enters hypnosis and positive suggestions are given by the therapist to the client, these suggestions are specific to the client and their phobia, it is tailor made for the individual which adds to its effectiveness.
These suggestions remain with the client long after the hypnotherapy has finished, in a way, they 'over-write' the previous thought process or fear, thus changing the way the client feels in the situation.
CBT or 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy' is probably the most common 'talking therapy'.
The work is carried out during conversation or discussion. This could mean a number of different methods are used but essentially it involves the exploration of and development of coping mechanisms or logical solutions to problems.
How you think, act and feel are all linked to each other, a kind of emotional triangle, and to a degree they control each other.
You always have the ability to control at least one of the three, this in turn influences the other two, which changes the emotional and mental outcome in situations where previously you may have felt powerless and possibly on an uncontrollable collision course with disaster.
A simple example is 'Re-Framing':
The scenario goes something like this...
Sue has to go to a family lunch on Friday.
Among the guests will be a relative who Sue does not get on with, she is always horrible to Sue, puts her down, belittles her and says mean things which are not true.
On every previous occasion that Sue has been treated like this it has upset her, and she now expects a bad experience and 'prepares for it' by running the horror through her mind on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday....ruining her week - before she has even been to the lunch.
Naturally Sue is dreading Friday.
But...what if Sue were to notice how Friday will come and go, anything that happens on Friday will be history as soon as she leaves the lunch venue. Added to this, on Saturday she has things either booked (or simply as options for now), which are wonderful, they are things that she really likes to do. Sue is genuinely excited by the thought of Saturday. Saturday is now a kind of reward for tolerating the unpleasant relative on Friday.
So, instead of getting anxious about the lunch on Friday, Sue is now focussing on Saturdays events and how much enjoyment Saturday will provide.
Sue is controlling how she 'Thinks'!
This does two things-
1 - It stops her current situation being miserable because she has something positive to think about, which changes the present for her, the present moment becomes a positive and happy moment.
2 - Because she is able to control how she thinks, this then influences how she feels and how she acts.
In a relatively short space of time, Sue wil have altered all three aspects of the triangle. Because of this deliberate act on her part, Sue has totally changed her emotions and feelings.
Friday will still happen, the relative may or may not be unpleasant, but, Sue no longer cares because she is looking forward so much to Saturday, Friday is now merely an irrelevant stepping stone to the great day she will have on Saturday.
She has 'Re-Framed' the situation.
Martin Luther King
Hypnotherapy is something that people may have heard of but don't know much about.
You may have also seen Hypnosis used as a form of entertainment, read outlandish stories or heard 'things' about Hypnosis from people who claim to 'know all about it'.
Not surprisingly the truth is far less dramatic. Many people are now aware of the huge benefits which come from therapy in its various forms.
I offer all prospective clients a FREE initial consultation.
This gives an opportunity for you to ask any questions and for us to discuss how I can help.
If you would like to have a chat, please call me or use the 'contact me' form.
Your free initial consultation will last around 45 minutes.
No therapy will take place on this first visit.
A full appointment will last between 60 & 90 minutes depending on the type of therapy you have.
The charge for a full session is £60, payable on the day by cash or bank transfer.
The number of sessions will vary depending on the nature of the issue you are seeking help with and the type of therapy that is appropriate.
I can assure you that the strict code of ethics I adhere to, and my own personal and professional standards will ensure that you are not attending therapy for any longer than is required.
You are welcome to bring someone with you to settle you into your initial consultation. Usually when this happens, the companion is only needed for the first 10 minutes or so, as it usually proves easier for the client to speak in private within the confidentiality of the consulting room.
Appointments can be changed or cancelled up to 24 hours in advance with no charge, any appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment time will be charged at the full rate.
My consulting room is in Taw Hill Swindon.
Using Anxiety as an example, the following shows how our minds might create an issue for us, and 'build' anxiety into our mind. Anxiety attacks are interesting things, they are terrifying to the sufferer whilst also being absolutely unnecessary to an observer.
In the 'moment' of an attack the sufferer can be physically sick, start shaking and possibly faint. It can be a terrifying and psychologically paralysing experience. To an observer, it may appear to be a completely pointless exercise with no benefit so why bother.
The interesting thing for me as a therapist is that the sufferer and the observer are both correct.
The attack IS in your mind, but because you are not familiar with how to avoid such situations or deal with them if they occur, the fear can seem insurmountable....but it isn't...and you CAN be free!
Anxiety is usually the fear of something which hasn't actually happened yet, it is a terrifying fear of a possible event in the future which the sufferer has no guarantee what-so-ever will occur, but they are convinced that it will and that 'if' it does the effects will be catastrophic. Because of this fear the individual panics. Their subconscious has learned previously that the 'panic' response is appropriate, and because 'panic and fear' are perfectly appropriate responses to the expectation of a possible future event, it continues with its manufactured 'defence' against the imagined future.
Your mind then goes a little further in this belief system:
Because the sufferer is still alive after the last occasion, their sub-conscious is unfortunately under the impression that it has 'got them through' by using panic and terror. As far as your mind is concerned its time for a medal, it has protected you by panicking.
You survived the catastrophic situation, total annihilation did not occur, therefore, the response was totally logical, 100% effective and justified...anyone who disagrees is simply not understanding the gravity or seriousness of the situation! ... so the subconscious continues in life using its outdated and inaccurate guidebook for dealing with dodgy situations.
Here's the problem:
The guidebook for dealing with imaginary situations was written years ago by your subconscious which only had one experience to use as evidence. In that situation it had nothing to refer to as a guide for this current scary situation so your mind chose a basic 'caveman' response ... PANIC! Unfortunately things go wrong from here...because you survived and the problem went away, your mind thinks 'problem solved' 'Hurrah!' and writes in its guidebook for bad situations that all such future events should be dealt with in the same effective manner = panic, fear and terror.
This happens the next time you are in a similar situation further 'proving' that you are doing the right thing by panicking, your mind backs up its own evidence.
Think about it logically for a moment, what are you doing right now? You are reading this, what are you going to be doing in 30 seconds? Probably still reading...but you cannot guarantee that. It may be what you expect to do or plan on doing but you cannot be at all certain that it WILL be true. So, if you cannot predict the future (if we could the lottery would have 50 Million winners every week!) it makes sense that worrying about it is CANNOT say with ANY certainty what IS going to occur, so worrying about it is only wasting your time and mental effort.
And...your 'decision' to panic is making the only thing you can control i.e. the present, what you are doing NOW...worse!
Yes, you read that correctly...YOU are MAKING it worse, the possible future, the one that hasn't even happened yet is being affected by YOU! It hasn't happened but your expectation of a horrific outcome and your chosen response is making the present worse.
So your mind now says..."SEE, I told you this would happen, I told you the future would be awful", proving to itself that the future WILL be awful, justifying more panic...which makes things even worse. All the time it's your mind doing this... you HAVE to listen?
Have you GOT to pay attention to your mind?
And if you were to ignore it what would happen? Where would your mind get its energy from?
What would be its reason for continuing with the lies if you weren't listening?
Hypnosis allows access to the library where the guidebook is kept, and while there you can re-write the book and bring it up to date to be more effective for you, and stop relying on the old methods which you already KNOW are unhelpful..........because, If you were happy with the current method of dealing with stressful situations you wouldn't be reading this.
I believe that therapy is for everyone irrespective of age.
You wouldn't build a house and refuse to deal with any problems until 18 years later so why do we assume that the same approach would work for our children? getting to the root cause of something is far easier if it's done early.
Chinese Proverb
There lots of ways to get in touch...
5 Brooke Crescent, Swindon, SN25 1WN, United Kingdom
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